Friday Fantasies

IPKat is here with your update on the news and events in the world of IP! 

First, a question to readers...In connection with comparative research for an upcoming publication, an IPKat reader is keen to hear from members of the IPKat community on how Article 131(1) EUTM,  regarding the seeking of provisional measures in relation to the enforcement of European Union trademarks (and corresponding art. 90(1) CDR) have been applied in various local jurisdictions. In particular, he is interested in decisions or literature holding that “non-EU trade mark courts” or “non-Community Design courts” have jurisdiction to grant such provisional measures. Please reply here.

Events and Conferences

First, a date change for the highly anticipated event hosted by the Institute of Brand and Innovation Law (IBIL) at UCL this autumn: Pregabalin: Where stand plausibility, Swiss-form claims, late amendment and more? In view of the expected publication date of the Supreme Court decision, this event will now be held on 20 November 2018. Confirmed speakers include Lord Hoffmann, Judge Edger F. Brinkman (Senior Judge, Court of The Hague), Dr. Ursula Kinkeldey (Former Chair of TBA of the EPO, Former Permanent Member of the EBoA of the EPO) and Dr Matthias Zigann (Presiding Judge at the Regional Court Munich I). See here for registration.

UCL's famous utilitarian
Also at UCL, the IBIL, MARQUES and the European Association of Trade Mark Owners, are hosting a question and answer event with some of the judges that are, or were until recently, deciding UK trade mark disputes: Question the Trade Mark Judges. The event will be held on Thursday 18 October 2018 at UCL Faculty of Laws, Bentham House.

On 20 November 2018, the European Patent Academy, EPO and the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) are hosting an event in Oslo on Green technologies and renewable energies – Innovating and patenting. See here for further information. The deadline for registration is 22 October 2018.
The Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN) is holding a panel discussion on the commercial aspects of design protection, on 22nd November 2018 at CIPA in London. See here for further details.

CREATe Cambridge University Press have recently published a book on "Art and Modern Copyright: The Contested Image" by Dr Elena Cooper (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at CREATe). The book will be launched at an event at the Victorian Picture Gallery at Royal Holloway, University of London on 5 December 2018. See here for further information. 

Also on 5 December 2018, the EPO will be holding a user consultation conference on the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal (RPBA) in Munich. Users of the system will have the opportunity to hear presentations and panel discussions by members of the Boards of Appeal Committee, the Boards of Appeal and representatives of user associations on the revised public draft of the RPBA. See here for further details.

The Academy of European Law (ERA) is holding a seminar on the EU Trade Secrets Directive in Brussels on 6 December 2018. The seminar will discuss the topic of "Big Data: Consolidating the EU Legal Framework in the Digital Economy". More information can be found here.

On 7 December 2018, around 40 IP specialists from the Aerospace and Defense industries will discuss hot IP topics and share their views on emerging IP challenges in the field. For further information and registration, see here.

The WIPO, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, the WIPO Academy, the World Trade Organization (WTO), Texas A&M University School of Law and the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva are co-organizing the first IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference, which will be held on 31 January - 1 February 2019 at the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, in Kuala Lumpur. For further information, see here

Kuala Lumpur
Call for papers

The Interactive Entertainment Law Review (IELR) is now accepting submissions for the forthcoming Volume 2 of the Review. The deadline for submissions is 18th January 2019. For further information, see here.

The University of Technology Sydney is accepting submissions for a Workshop on "Intellectual Property and the Visual". The deadline is 15 October 2018. See here for further details.


Do you find the pdf version of the Copyright Directive unwieldy and difficult to navigate? Indivigital have built a free to access app for the Copyright Directive that is a lot easier to read and link to than the current PDF format. For example, here’s Article 13.  This version is mobile-friendly and features all Articles and Recitals. “Sub-Recitals” are published under parent Recitals (likewise for Articles).

The 2017 Annual Report of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) has been published, see here.


Don't miss the upcoming release of IPKat's very own Eleanora's book: "Copyright and the Court of Justice of the European Union" (available for pre-order here). The book focuses on the role, action, and legacy of the CJEU in the field of copyright and provides an exclusive survey covering two decades of CJEU decisions.


The University of Hong Kong has a search ongoing for a "Tenure-Track Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Law, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship." It is envisioned as a joint appointment between the faculties of law and engineering (CS department). See here for further details.

Author: Rose Hughes

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